NEET ( National Eligibility Entrance Test)
Exams now to be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA)
Objective (MCQ) based paper based on Physics Chemistry & Biology
Total 180 MCQs = [Physics (45 MCQs) + Chemistry (45 MCQs) + Biology (90 MCQs)
Correct Answer = +4, Wrong Answer =-1, No attempt =0
Total Marks = 720
NEET will be held twice, in February and in May
The portion is of NCERT Std XI and XII.
For Pharmacy Aspirants
MHT-CET (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test)
Exam conducted by DMER (offline)
Total 200 MCQs = Physics (50 MCQs) + Chemistry (50 MCQs) + Biology (100 MCQs)
Objective (MCQ) based on Physics, Chemistry & Biology
Every MCQ has 1 mark, No Negative Marking
Total Marks = 200
Generally conducted on second Thursday of May
The portion is of State board syllabus Std. XII only.